cms 1500 – 24G Days or Units field – date format for non – consecutive DOS

cms 1500 – 24G Days or Units field – date format for non – consecutive DOS

Enter the appropriate number of units billed on the claim line for the service date.

For Consecutive Days of Service:
Enter the total number of days or units within the billing period.

For Nonconsecutive Dates of Service:
Enter “1” for each date of service or unit entered on the claim form.

For Anesthesia:

Enter the total number of 15-minute periods, including as one unit any remaining fraction that equals or exceeds five minutes, that make up the beginning and ending clock time for the anesthesia service.
See 130 CMR 433.000 for regulations about reporting anesthesia time. If no units are entered, the service is paid at the base rate.


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