CMS 1500 – Reserved for local use – BOX 19

CMS 1500 – Reserved for local use – BOX 19

Field 19 – Reserve for Local Use:

Enter either a 6-digit (MM | DD | YY) or an 8-digit (MM | DD | CCYY) date patient was last seen and the UPIN (NPI when it becomes effective) of his/her attending physician when a physician providing routine foot care submits claims.

For physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech-language pathology services, effective for claims with dates of service on or after June 6, 2005, the date last seen and the UPIN/NPI of an ordering/referring/attending/certifying physician or non-physician practitioner are not required. If this information is submitted voluntarily, it must be correct or it will cause rejection or denial of the claim. However, when the therapy service is provided incident to the services of a physician or nonphysician practitioner, then incident to policies continue to apply. For example, for identification of the ordering physician who provided the initial service, see Item 17 and 17a, and for the identification of the supervisor, see item 24J of this section.

NOTE: Effective May 23, 2008, all identifiers submitted on the Form CMS-1500 MUST be in the form of an NPI.

Enter either a 6-digit (MM | DD | YY) or an 8-digit (MM | DD | CCYY) x-ray date for chiropractor services (if an x-ray, rather than a physical examination was the method used to demonstrate the subluxation). By entering an x-ray date and the initiation date for course of chiropractic treatment in item 14, the chiropractor is certifying that all the relevant information requirements (including level of subluxation) of Pub. 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, chapter 15, is on file, along with the appropriate x-ray and all are available for carrier review.

Enter the drug’s name and dosage when submitting a claim for Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) drugs.

Enter a concise description of an “unlisted procedure code” or an NOC code if one can be given within the confines of this box. Otherwise an attachment shall be submitted with the claim.

Enter all applicable modifiers when modifier -99 (multiple modifiers) is entered in item 24d. If modifier -99 is entered on multiple line items of a single claim form, all applicable modifiers for each line item containing a -99 modifier should be listed as follows: 1=(mod), where the number 1 represents the line item and “mod” represents all modifiers applicable to the referenced line item.

Enter the statement “Homebound” when an independent laboratory renders an EKG tracing or obtains a specimen from a homebound or institutionalized patient. (See Pub. 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, “Covered Medical and Other Health Services,” and Pub. 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 16, “Laboratory Services From Independent Labs, Physicians and Providers,” and Pub. 100-01, Medicare General Information, Eligibility, and Entitlement Manual, Chapter 5, “Definitions,” respectively for the definition of “homebound” and a more complete definition of a medically necessary laboratory service to a homebound or an institutional patient.)

Enter the statement, “Patient refuses to assign benefits” when the beneficiary absolutely refuses to assign benefits to a non-participating physician/supplier who accepts assignment on a claim. In this case, payment can only be made directly to the beneficiary.

Enter the statement, “Testing for hearing aid” when billing services involving the testing of a hearing aid(s) is used to obtain intentional denials when other payers are involved.

When dental examinations are billed, enter the specific surgery for which the exam is being performed.

Enter the specific name and dosage amount when low osmolar contrast material is billed, but only if HCPCS codes do not cover them.

Enter a 6-digit (MM | DD | YY) or an 8-digit (MM | DD | CCYY) assumed and/or relinquished date for a global surgery claim when providers share post-operative care.

Enter demonstration ID number “30” for all national emphysema treatment trial claims.

Enter the NPI/PIN of the physician who is performing a purchased interpretation of a diagnostic test. (See Pub. 100-04, chapter 1, section for additional information.)

NOTE: Effective May 23, 2008, all identifiers submitted on the Form CMS-1500 MUST be in the form of an NPI.

Method II suppliers shall enter the most current HCT value for the injection of Aranesp for ESRD beneficiaries on dialysis. (See Pub. 100-04, chapter 8, section 60.7.2.)

Individuals and entities who bill carriers or A/B MACs for administrations of ESAs or Part B anti-anemia drugs not self-administered (other than ESAs) in the treatment of cancer must enter the most current hemoglobin or hematocrit test results. The test results shall be entered as follows: TR= test results (backslash), R1=hemoglobin, or R2=hematocrit (backslash), and the most current numeric test result figure up to 3 numerics and a decimal point [xx.x]). Example for hemoglobin tests: TR/R1/9.0, Example for Hematocrit tests: TR/R2/27.0.


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