CPT CODE 99217, 99218, 99219, 99220 – Observation codes

CPT CODE 99217, 99218, 99219, 99220 - Observation codes

CPT Code Description
99217 Observation care discharge day management (This code is to be utilized to report all services provided to a patient on discharge from outpatient hospital “observation status” if the discharge is on other than the initial date of “observation status.” To report services to a patient designated as “observation status” or “inpatient status” and discharged on the same date, use the codes for Observation or Inpatient Care Services [including Admission and Discharge Services, 99234-99236 as appropriate.])

99218 Initial observation care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient which requires these 3 key components: A detailed or comprehensive history; A detailed or comprehensive examination; and Medical decision making that is straightforward or of low complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other physicians, other qualified health care professionals, or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient’s and/or family’s needs. Usually, the problem(s) requiring admission to outpatient hospital “observation status” are of low severity. Typically, 30 minutes are spent at the bedside and on the patient’s hospital floor or unit.

99219 Initial observation care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires these 3 key components: A comprehensive history; A comprehensive examination; and Medical decision making of moderate complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other physicians, other qualified health care professionals, or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient’s and/or family’s needs. Usually, the problem(s) requiring admission to outpatient hospital “observation status” are of moderate severity. Typically, 50 minutes are spent at the bedside and on the patient’s hospital floor or unit.

99220 Initial observation care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires these 3 key components: A comprehensive history; A comprehensive examination; and Medical decision making of high complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other physicians, other qualified healthcare professionals, or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient’s and/or family’s needs. Usually, the problem(s) requiring admission to “observation status” are of high severity. Typically 70 minutes are spent at the bedside and on the patient’s hospital floor or unit.

OBSERVATION SERVICES CPT CODES: 99218-99220, 99224 – 99226

Background Observation care is a well-defined set of specific, clinically appropriate services,

which include:

• Ongoing short term treatment,
• Assessment,
• Reassessment

These are furnished while a decision is being made regarding whether patients will require further treatment as hospital inpatients or if they are able to be discharged from the hospital.

Observation services are commonly ordered for patients who present to the emergency department and who then require a significant period of treatment or monitoring in order to make a decision concerning their admission or discharge.

In only rare and exceptional cases do reasonable and necessary outpatient observation services span more than 48 hours.

In the majority of cases, the decision whether to discharge a patient from the hospital following resolution of the reason for the observation care or to admit the patient as an inpatient can be made in less than 48 hours, usually in less than 24 hours.

Who May Bill

• Contractors pay for initial observation care billed by only the physician/non physician practitioner who have hospital admitting privileges, who ordered hospital outpatient observation services, and who was responsible for the patient during his/her observation care. A physician who does not have inpatient admitting privileges but who is authorized to furnish hospital outpatient observation services may bill these codes.

• For a physician to bill observation care codes, there must be a medical observation record for the patient which contains dated and timed physician’s orders regarding the observation services the patient is to receive, nursing notes, and progress notes prepared by the physician while the patient received observation services.

This record must be in addition to any record prepared as a result of an emergency department or outpatient clinic encounter.

• Payment for an initial observation care code is for all the care rendered by the ordering physician on the date the patient’s observation services began. All other physicians who furnish consultations or additional evaluations or services while the patient is receiving hospital outpatient observation services must bill the appropriate outpatient service codes.

– For example, if an internist orders observation services and asks another physician to additionally evaluate the patient, only the internist may bill the initial and subsequent observation care codes. The other physician who evaluates the patient must bill the new or established office or other outpatient visit codes as appropriate.

Significance of Time as a Factor

The inclusion of time as an explicit factor beginning in CPT 1992 is done to assist in selecting the most appropriate level of E/M services. Please note that the specific times expressed in the CPT visitcode descriptors are averages and , therefore, represent a range of times that may be higher or lower depending on actual clinical circumstances.

• Intraservice times are defined as face-to-face time for office and other outpatients visits and as unit/floor time for hospital and other inpatient visits

– Unit/Floor time includes the time present on the patient’s hospital unit and at the bedside rendering services for that patient; includes time to establish and/or review patient’s chart, examine the patient, write notes, and communicate with other professionals and the patient’s family.

» Pre and Post-visit time is not included in the time component described in these codes (pre and post include time spent off the patient’s floor performing such tasks as reviewing pathology/radiology findings in another part of the hospital).

Initial Observation Care (CPT code range 99218-99220)

• Included in Initial Observation Care:
– Initiation of observation status
– Supervision of the care plan for observation
– Performance of periodic reassessments
• When a patient receives observation care for less than 8 hours on the same calendar date, the Initial Observation Care, from CPT code range 99218 – 99220, shall be reported by the physician.
• When a patient is admitted for observation care and then is discharged on a different calendar date, the physician shall report Initial Observation Care, from CPT code range 99218 – 99220, and CPT observation care discharge CPT code 99217.
• To report services provided to patient who is admitted to the hospital after receiving hospital observation care services on the same date, see initial hospital care notes in the American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Publication.
• To report hospital admission on a date subsequent to the date of observation status, use appropriate initial hospital care codes (CPT 99221 – 99223)
• Observation status that is initiated in the course of an encounter in another site of service (eg. hospital emergency department, office, nursing facility) all E/M services provided by the supervising physician or other qualified health care professional in conjunction with initiating “observation status” are  considered part of the initial observation care when performed on the same date.
– The level of service reported should include the services related to initiating “observation status” provided in the other sites of service as well as in the observation setting
• On the rare occasion when a patient remains in observation care for 3 days, the physician shall report an initial observation care code (99218-99220) for the first day of observation care, a subsequent observation care code (99224-99226) for the second day of observation care, and an observation care discharge CPT code 99217 for the observation care on the discharge date.
• Admitted and discharges from observation or inpatient status on the same date report CPT codes 99234-99236 as appropriate; do NOT report observation discharge in conjunction with a hospital admission.
• These codes may NOT be utilized for post-operative recovery if the procedure is considered part of the surgical “package.” Subsequent Observation Care (CPT code range 99224 – 99226)

• All levels of subsequent observation care include:
– Reviewing the medical record
– Reviewing the results of diagnostic studies
– Changes in the patient’s status (ie, changes in history physical condition, and response to management) since the last assessment.

• When observation care continues beyond three days, report subsequent observation care for each day between the first day of observation care and the discharge date When a patient receives observation care for a minimum of 8 hours, but less than 24 hours, and is discharged on the same calendar date, observation or inpatient care services (including admission and discharge services) CPT code range.

Discharge Observation Care (CPT code 99217)

• Included in CPT code 99217
– Final Examination of the patient
– Discussion of the hospital stay
– Instructions for continuing care
– Preparation of discharge records

• For observation or inpatient hospital care including the admission and discharge of the patient on the same date see CPT codes 99234 – 99236.

OVERVIEW FROM oxford insurance

Initial Observation Care CPT® codes 99218-99220 and subsequent Observation Care CPT codes 99224-99226 are used to report evaluation and management (E/M) services provided to new or established patients designated as “observation status” in a hospital. Observation service (including admission and discharge) CPT codes 99234-99236 are used to report E/M services provided to patients admitted and discharged on the same date of service.

For the purpose of this policy, the Same Specialty Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional is defined as a physician and/or health care professional of the same group and same specialty reporting the same Federal Tax Identification number.


Initial Observation Care

The physician supervising the care of the patient designated as “observation status” is the only physician who can report an initial Observation Care CPT code (99218-99220). It is not necessary that the patient be located in an observation area designated by the hospital, although in order to report the Observation Care codes the physician must:

** Indicate in the patient’s medical record that the patient is designated or admitted as observation status;
** Clearly document the reason for the patient to be admitted to observation status; and
** Initiate the observations status, assess, establish and supervise the care plan for observation and perform periodic reassessments.

The CPT codebook states that “When “observation status” is initiated in the course of an encounter in another site of service (e.g., hospital emergency department, office, nursing facility) all evaluation and management services provided by the supervising physician or other qualified health care professional in conjunction with initiating “observation status” are considered part of the initial Observation Care when performed on the same date. The Observation Care level of service reported by the supervising physician should include the services related to initiating “observation status” provided in the other sites of services as well as in the observation setting.”

Oxford follows the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Claims Processing Manual which provides the instructions, “for a physician to bill the initial Observation Care codes [99218-99220], there must be a medical observation record for the patient which contains dated and timed physician’s admitting orders regarding the care the patient is to receive while in observation, nursing notes, and progress notes prepared by the physician while the patient was in observation status. This record must be in addition to any record prepared as a result of an emergency department or outpatient clinic encounter.”

Consistent with CMS guidelines, Oxford requires that an Initial Observation Care CPT code (99218-99220) should be reported for a patient admitted to Observation Care for less than 8 hours on the same calendar date.


Q: Can Observation Care codes 99217 and codes 99218-99220 be reported on the same date of service?
A: No. CPT codes 99234-99236 should be reported for patients who are admitted to and discharged from observation status on the same calendar date for a minimum of 8 hours but less than 24. An initial Observation Care code (99218-99220) should be reported for patients admitted and discharged from observation status for less than 8 hours on the same calendar date. CPT code 99217 can only be reported for a patient discharged on a different calendar date.

Q: Does the patient need to be in an observation unit in order to report the Observation Care codes?
A: It is not necessary that the patient be located in an observation area designated by the hospital as long as the medical record indicates that the patient was admitted as observation status and the reason for Observation Care is documented.

Observation Services billing guidelines

Hospital observation services (procedure codes 1-99217, 1-99218, 1-99219, and 1-99220) is for professional services for a period of more than 6 hours, but fewer than 24 hours, regardless of the hour of the initial contact, whether or not the client remains under physician care beyond midnight.

Observation may take place in any patient care area of the hospital or outpatient setting.

Observation care discharge day management may be billed to report services provided to a client upon discharge from observation status if the discharge date is other than the initial date of admission. Procedure codes 1-99211, 1-99212, 1-99213, 1-99214, 1-99215, 1-99218, 1-99219, and 1-99220 will be denied if billed on the same day as procedure codes 1-99217, 1-99234, 1-99235, and 1-99236 by the same provider. Evaluation and management services provided in any place of service other than the inpatient hospital, billed on the same day as a physician observation visit, by the same provider, will be denied.

If a physician observation visit (procedure codes 1-99217, 1-99218, 1-99219, 1-99220, 1-99234, 1-99235, and 1-99236) is billed on the same day as prolonged services (procedure codes 1-99354 and 1-99355) by the same provider, the prolonged services will be denied as part of another procedure on the same day.

If dialysis treatment and physician observation visits are billed the same day, by the same provider, same specialty, other than Nephrology and Internal Medicine specialists, the dialysis treatment will be paid and the physician observation visit will be denied.

Prolonged Physician Services Prolonged services may be provided in the office, outpatient, or inpatient setting and involve direct (face-toface) client contact that is beyond the usual service and exceeds the time threshold of the following evaluation and management codes being billed on that day.



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