Date format in CMS 1500 forms

Date format in CMS 1500 forms

Required Data Element Requirements

1 – Paper Claims
The following instruction describes certain data element formatting requirements to be followed when reporting the calendar year date for the identified items on the F9+o203 rm CMS-1500:
• If birth dates are furnished in the items stipulated below, then these items must contain 8-digit birth dates (MMDDCCYY). This includes 2-digit months (MM) and days (DD), and 4-digit years (CCYY).
Form CMS-1500 Items Affected by These Reporting Requirements:

Item 3 – Patient’s Birth Date
Item 9b – Other Insured’s Date of Birth
Item 11a – Insured’s Date of Birth
Note that 8-digit birth dates, when provided, must be reported with a space between month, day, and year (i.e., MM_DD_CCYY). On the Form CMS-1500, the space between month, day, and year is delineated by a dotted, vertical line.

If a birth date is provided in items 3, 9b, or 11a, and is not in 8-digit format, carriers must return the claim as unprocessable. Use remark code N329 on the remittance advice. For formats other than the remittance, use code(s)/messages that are consistent with the above remark codes.

If carriers do not currently edit for birth date items because they obtain the information from other sources, they are not required to return these claims if a birth date is reported in items 3, 9b, or 11a. and the birth date is not in 8-digit format. However, if carriers use date of birth information on the incoming claim for processing, they must edit and return claims that contain birth date(s) in any of these items that are not in 8-digit format.

For certain other Form CMS-1500 conditional or required date items (items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A.), when dates are provided, either a 6-digit date or 8-digit date may be provided.

If 8-digit dates are furnished for any of items 11a., 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A. (excluding items 12 and 31), carriers must note the following:
• All completed date items, except item 24A., must be reported with a space between month, day, and year (i.e., MM_DD_CCYY). On the Form CMS-1500, the space between month, day, and year is delineated by a dotted, vertical line;

• Item 24A. must be reported as one continuous number (i.e., MMDDCCYY), without any spaces between month, day, and year. By entering a continuous number, the date(s) in item 24A. will penetrate the dotted, vertical lines used to separate month, day, and year. Carrier claims processing systems will be able to process the claim if the date penetrates these vertical lines. However, all 8-digit dates reported must stay within the confines of item 24A;

• Do not compress or change the font of the “year” item in item 24A. to keep the date within the confines of item 24A. If a continuous number is furnished in item 24A. with no spaces between month, day, and year, you will not need to compress the “year” item to remain within the confines of item 24A.;

• The “from” date in item 24A. must not run into the “to” date item, and the “to” date must not run into item 24B.;

• Dates reported in item 24A. must not be reported with a slash between month, day, and year; and

• If the provider of service or supplier decides to enter 8-digit dates for any of items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A. (excluding items 12 and 31), an 8-digit date must be furnished for all completed items. For instance, you cannot enter 8-digit dates for items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19 (excluding items 12 or 31), and a 6-digit date for item 24A. The same applies to those who wish to submit 6-digit dates for any of these items.

Required Data Element Requirements

1 – Paper Claims
The following instruction describes certain data element formatting requirements to be followed when reporting the calendar year date for the identified items on the F9+o203 rm CMS-1500:
• If birth dates are furnished in the items stipulated below, then these items must contain 8-digit birth dates (MMDDCCYY). This includes 2-digit months (MM) and days (DD), and 4-digit years (CCYY).
Form CMS-1500 Items Affected by These Reporting Requirements:

Item 3 – Patient’s Birth Date
Item 9b – Other Insured’s Date of Birth
Item 11a – Insured’s Date of Birth
Note that 8-digit birth dates, when provided, must be reported with a space between month, day, and year (i.e., MM_DD_CCYY). On the Form CMS-1500, the space between month, day, and year is delineated by a dotted, vertical line.

If a birth date is provided in items 3, 9b, or 11a, and is not in 8-digit format, carriers must return the claim as unprocessable. Use remark code N329 on the remittance advice. For formats other than the remittance, use code(s)/messages that are consistent with the above remark codes.

If carriers do not currently edit for birth date items because they obtain the information from other sources, they are not required to return these claims if a birth date is reported in items 3, 9b, or 11a. and the birth date is not in 8-digit format. However, if carriers use date of birth information on the incoming claim for processing, they must edit and return claims that contain birth date(s) in any of these items that are not in 8-digit format.

For certain other Form CMS-1500 conditional or required date items (items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A.), when dates are provided, either a 6-digit date or 8-digit date may be provided.

If 8-digit dates are furnished for any of items 11a., 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A. (excluding items 12 and 31), carriers must note the following:
• All completed date items, except item 24A., must be reported with a space between month, day, and year (i.e., MM_DD_CCYY). On the Form CMS-1500, the space between month, day, and year is delineated by a dotted, vertical line;

• Item 24A. must be reported as one continuous number (i.e., MMDDCCYY), without any spaces between month, day, and year. By entering a continuous number, the date(s) in item 24A. will penetrate the dotted, vertical lines used to separate month, day, and year. Carrier claims processing systems will be able to process the claim if the date penetrates these vertical lines. However, all 8-digit dates reported must stay within the confines of item 24A;

• Do not compress or change the font of the “year” item in item 24A. to keep the date within the confines of item 24A. If a continuous number is furnished in item 24A. with no spaces between month, day, and year, you will not need to compress the “year” item to remain within the confines of item 24A.;

• The “from” date in item 24A. must not run into the “to” date item, and the “to” date must not run into item 24B.;

• Dates reported in item 24A. must not be reported with a slash between month, day, and year; and

• If the provider of service or supplier decides to enter 8-digit dates for any of items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19, or 24A. (excluding items 12 and 31), an 8-digit date must be furnished for all completed items. For instance, you cannot enter 8-digit dates for items 11b, 14, 16, 18, 19 (excluding items 12 or 31), and a 6-digit date for item 24A. The same applies to those who wish to submit 6-digit dates for any of these items.


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