Reporting 24H EPSDT/Family Plan

Reporting 24H EPSDT/Family Plan

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment:

Enter the response in the shaded portion of the field as follows. If there is no requirement (for example, state requirement) to report a reason code for EPDST, enter “Y” for yes, or “N” for no.
If there is a requirement to report a reason code for EPDST, enter the appropriate reason code as noted below.

• AV: Available-Not Used (Patient refused referral.)

• S2: Under Treatment (Patient is currently under treatment for referred diagnostic or corrective health problem.)

• ST: New Service Requested (Referral to another provider for diagnostic or corrective treatment/scheduled for another appointment with screening provider for diagnostic or corrective
treatment for at least one health problem identified during an initial or periodic screening service, not including dental referrals.)

• NU: Not Used (Used when no EPSDT patient referral was

Family Planning:

If the service is for family planning, enter “Y” for yes, or “N” for no in the bottom unshaded area of the field.

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment:

Enter the response in the shaded portion of the field as follows. If there is no requirement (for example, state requirement) to report a reason code for EPDST, enter “Y” for yes, or “N” for no.
If there is a requirement to report a reason code for EPDST, enter the appropriate reason code as noted below.

• AV: Available-Not Used (Patient refused referral.)

• S2: Under Treatment (Patient is currently under treatment for referred diagnostic or corrective health problem.)

• ST: New Service Requested (Referral to another provider for diagnostic or corrective treatment/scheduled for another appointment with screening provider for diagnostic or corrective
treatment for at least one health problem identified during an initial or periodic screening service, not including dental referrals.)

• NU: Not Used (Used when no EPSDT patient referral was

Family Planning:

If the service is for family planning, enter “Y” for yes, or “N” for no in the bottom unshaded area of the field.


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