What causes for Medicare termination ?

What causes for Medicare termination ?

Involuntary Terminations

The Secretary may terminate an agreement with a provider if it is determined that the provider:

• Is not complying fully (or substantially in the case of SNFs) with the provisions of the agreement or with the applicable provisions of title XVIII of the Act and regulations;

• No longer meets the appropriate conditions (requirements for SNFs) of participation;

• Has failed to supply information which is necessary to determine whether payments are due or were due and the amounts of such payments; or

• Refuses to permit examinations of fiscal and other records, including medical records.

The cancellation of a SNF agreement is viewed as an involuntary termination of the agreement by the Secretary for cause. Such actions involve a finding that the SNF has not satisfactorily completed its written plan providing for the correction of deficiencies with respect to one or more of the standards in the applicable requirements of participation, or that the facility has not made substantial effort and progress in correcting such deficiencies.

A provider which is dissatisfied with the Secretary’s determination terminating its agreement is entitled to request a hearing thereon in accordance with the appeals procedures contained in 42 CFR Part 498. There is no reconsideration step before the opportunity for a hearing.

NOTE: The involuntary termination of a hospital’s approval authorizing it to provide extended care services, i.e., to be a swing bed facility, (see Chapter 3) does not automatically result in the involuntary termination of the hospital’s agreement relating to the provision of hospital services.

– Processing Involuntary Terminations

When there has been a determination by the RO that an institution or agency no longer qualifies as a provider of services, the RO notifies the provider in writing that termination of its agreement has been recommended. A copy of this notification is sent to the servicing FI so that it is aware of the potential termination. However, the FI should not divulge this information.

If CMS central office decides that termination of the agreement is appropriate, it establishes the effective date of termination, notifies the provider in writing, and notifies the RO. The RO immediately arranges for publication of the required notice to the public and sends a formal notice of termination to the FI via Form CMS-2007

Involuntary Terminations

The Secretary may terminate an agreement with a provider if it is determined that the provider:

• Is not complying fully (or substantially in the case of SNFs) with the provisions of the agreement or with the applicable provisions of title XVIII of the Act and regulations;

• No longer meets the appropriate conditions (requirements for SNFs) of participation;

• Has failed to supply information which is necessary to determine whether payments are due or were due and the amounts of such payments; or

• Refuses to permit examinations of fiscal and other records, including medical records.

The cancellation of a SNF agreement is viewed as an involuntary termination of the agreement by the Secretary for cause. Such actions involve a finding that the SNF has not satisfactorily completed its written plan providing for the correction of deficiencies with respect to one or more of the standards in the applicable requirements of participation, or that the facility has not made substantial effort and progress in correcting such deficiencies.

A provider which is dissatisfied with the Secretary’s determination terminating its agreement is entitled to request a hearing thereon in accordance with the appeals procedures contained in 42 CFR Part 498. There is no reconsideration step before the opportunity for a hearing.

NOTE: The involuntary termination of a hospital’s approval authorizing it to provide extended care services, i.e., to be a swing bed facility, (see Chapter 3) does not automatically result in the involuntary termination of the hospital’s agreement relating to the provision of hospital services.

– Processing Involuntary Terminations

When there has been a determination by the RO that an institution or agency no longer qualifies as a provider of services, the RO notifies the provider in writing that termination of its agreement has been recommended. A copy of this notification is sent to the servicing FI so that it is aware of the potential termination. However, the FI should not divulge this information.

If CMS central office decides that termination of the agreement is appropriate, it establishes the effective date of termination, notifies the provider in writing, and notifies the RO. The RO immediately arranges for publication of the required notice to the public and sends a formal notice of termination to the FI via Form CMS-2007


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